When it comes to getting work done, we all seek new ways to boost efficiency and complete tasks faster. While this sentiment might be encouraging to business leaders, hidden dangers are lurking in the background. With the rise of remote work and the constant influx of new digital tools, many employees are experimenting with new tools and online services, hoping to streamline their workflows. While this may seem convenient initially, it poses significant risks to both employees and employers alike.

 Artificial Intelligence tools are at the top of the list of anticipated productivity gains but are also high on the list of risky software if they are not managed and controlled effectively.



 Employees who experiment with online services and software, including artificial intelligence, for work or commercial purposes, may believe they are simply being resourceful or saving their company money. However, this practice can lead to several unintended consequences:

        •  Data Security Concerns: New technology and software programs often lack the robust security measures that many businesses require today. Inputting any form of company data into these platforms, which may lack clear, tested, and proven security protocols, increases the risk of data breaches and compromised confidentiality. Data uploaded to these platforms is not monitored or backed up, and may not be adequately protected according to regulatory requirements, or internal data classifications.
        • Lack of Control: Employers lose visibility and control over the tools and services their employees are using when employees take independent action. This can lead to fragmentation of tools across teams, hindering collaboration and cohesion.
        • Compliance Issues: Many industries have strict compliance regulations regarding data handling and storage. Using personal subscriptions may inadvertently violate these regulations, exposing the company to legal repercussions and financial penalties.
        • Dependency on Individuals: Over-reliance on personalized productivity tools ties critical services to individual employees rather than the organization itself. If an employee leaves the company or is unavailable, it can disrupt workflows and productivity. Access to that data or process may be irrevocably lost if IT management isn’t aware of it.


To mitigate these risks, companies need to establish clear policies, procedures, and guidelines regarding the use of cloud services, including AI for business purposes. These policies should address the following key areas:

        • Subscription Management: Define which subscriptions are approved for work use and provide guidelines for acquiring and managing them. Centralizing subscription management allows for better oversight and control.
        • Data Security Protocols: Outline protocols for handling company data, including restrictions on storing data in personal accounts and guidelines for encryption and access control.
        • Regular Audits and Reviews: Conduct periodic audits of applications, cloud services, and data storage to assess compliance with company policies and identify any potential risks or violations. Regular reviews allow for adjustments to be made as technology and business needs evolve.



While the allure of discovering new technology and digital tools may be tempting, the risks must be carefully managed. By establishing clear policies and guidelines, companies can ensure the security, compliance, and continuity of their operations. In an era where digital security and regulatory compliance are paramount, proactive measures are indispensable for safeguarding both the interests of the company and its employees.

With over 20 years of experience mitigating user risk and ensuring compliance for businesses subject to various regulatory bodies, Impact Business Technology understands that IT should be more than troubleshooting laptops and printers; it should be a living, dynamic part of your ongoing business operation.

To learn more about Impact BT and the ways we transform the way businesses leverage IT, visit our solutions page or contact us today to get in touch with a member of our team. 


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